Need a locksmith to help you in Boring?
We have 24/7 locksmith service in Boring, OR - including unlocking cars, houses and businesses; all lock projects and making car keys.
We do all kinds of lockout services including homes, businesses, storage units, bikes, cars and more.
Lock Services
Whether you need a rekey, new lock installation, deadbolt installation or lock repair - we do it all.
Car Keys
We make regular car keys, remotes, and FOBs for almost every year, make and model of car.
Is your ignition sticking? We replace ignitions for almost every year, make and model of car.
Boring OR Locksmith Near You
When you get stuck outside of your house or your car it can be incredibly frustrating, but that doesn't mean finding a locksmith in Boring Oregon has to be! At 24 Hour Lock and Key we have mobile locksmiths near you standing by and ready to help at a moment's notice.
Get locked out of your car at work and aren't ready to handle the logistics of it just yet? Not a problem! We schedule Boring locksmith services to fit your busy schedule. Our licensed and bonded local locksmiths in Boring are specially trained to tackle almost any kind of locksmith project too. We can cut new keys and make the chipped transponder keys for newer cars, we can program keys, remotes, and can even program your push-to-start key FOB. We take on residential and commercial rekeys and install new lock sets on a weekly basis, can install new ignitions and do ignition repairs as well-- including key extractions-- and so much more.
Want to know more about 24 Hour Lock and Key?
Check out our amazing reviews on Google! You can also look us up on the Oregon CCB by our number: 219787. you can look us up on the CCB website to by our number or our company name to verify our licensing. We are also recognized by the Better Business Bureau.
24 Hour Mobile Locksmiths in Boring OR
So often people will call us dreading that they have to hire a tow truck on top of a locksmith-- but one of the best parts about working with our local Boring locksmiths is that we are all totally mobilized! Each of our locksmiths has a work vehicle fully-stocked with blank keys, specialized cutting and programming equipment, and a variety of tools for unlocking and rekeying your home and automotive locking systems. When you call a mobile locksmith you're not just saving yourself time, you're also saving yourself hundreds of dollars! And because we're a 24 Hour locksmith we can help even at the earliest hour.
We want to make reaching out to us as easy as possible so we can dispatch a locksmith near you as quickly as we can, which is why we have so many ways to contact us. You can text or call us at 971-720-9939, email us at 24hourlockandkeypdx @gmail.com, you can write us a message here on our website by visiting our CONTACT PAGE, or you can even reach out to us on Yelp.
Commercial Locksmith in Boring Oregon
Our Boring locksmiths near you are all specially trained to work on commercial projects; as a smaller family-owned business ourselves, we know how important it is to make sure that your company is kept as safe as it can be. So whether you need an emergency locksmith near you to come by in a hurry because an old employee walked off with the business keys, you want to update your Master Key system, or your push bar mechanism isn't working anymore, your local locksmiths at 24 Hour Lock and Key have you covered.
Find yourself needing a locksmith in Boring pretty regularly? Businesses that make 24 Hour Lock and Key their go-to locksmith company get excellent benefits. Just give us a call at 971-720-9939 or send us an email at 24hourlockandkeypdx@gmail.com for more information!
Not quite sure what you need just yet but want to learn more about your available options? Give us a call or drop us a line and we'll set you up with a free consultation with one of our locksmiths so that you can make an informed decision about your business.
If you want to know a little more about us, you can look us up by our CCB number, which is 219787, on the CCB website. 24 Hour Lock and Key is also recognized by the Better Business Bureau.